Writing from FirstSunday
In November 2020 our online meeting was a writing workshop looking at the Lord's Prayer. These are the alternative expressions we wrote.
Alternative Lord’s Prayer by Mary Thewlis
Eternal parent of all, superior to all that is on the earth, may we always treat you with respect.
May the world acknowledge you as supreme and fulfil your desires as do the angels.
Provide what we need for body and soul.
Forgive us when we hurt others, in the same way as we forgive those who hurt us.
Do not expose us to what would draw us from you, or to what would harm us in any way.
We ask this because all power, honour and respect rightfully belong to you.
Alternative Lord’s Prayer by Marci Sandels
Love which surrounds us and which formed our spirits
We are in awe of you
May your influence be all around us
May your wishes be carried out above and here below
Meet our bodily needs
Let not our pride get in the way of seeing where we have gone wrong
as we accept that others have not meant to hurt us
And lift us above any error we might make through the influence of our bodies
But rescue us from forces outside of your influence
For you reign forever
Alternative Lord’s Prayer by Andrew Smith
Creator of all,
remember us as we remember you,
let your ways be our ways,
let our deeds be your deeds,
may we all have what we need for today,
as we let go of the wrongs we have suffered,
let go too the wrongs we have inflicted,
guide us away from temptation,
and safe from those whose ways are not your ways,
for you sustain and inspire us now and for ever,
Alternative Lord’s Prayer by Roger Nascimento
Beloved One, Who dwells in cool glory
We call you Perfect Harmony
Drive our lives
Fulfil your purpose everywhere every time for everyone
Feed us in time
Bend down to pass through our narrow door as we do when visiting others
Ignore our bad temper
But hear our cry
Today, Yesterday and tomorrow, here, there and over there, we meet with you. Amen.
Alternative Lord’s Prayer by Faye Mitchell
(to the tune of ‘The Road to Dundee’)
Our Father who art,
In the highest of heavens,
Hallowed be,
Thine holiest name.
Thy kingdom, it comes now,
Thy will it be done now,
As in the earth,
as high heavens above
Give us this day Lord,
The bread that we need Lord,
Forgive us our wrongs,
As we forgive all,
Lead us now always,
In the ways of thy kingdom
Yours is the glory,
Now and always.